Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Darius is a little Stressed Out! But he is enjoying the new sofa.

Apparently all those women are causing him some major headaches.  Poor thing! Maybe someone will stop over later to give him a nice massage.

This is my latest sofa available at my Etsy shop.
$47USD + shipping

It is similar to one I did a couple weeks ago.  But this one is an olive checked fabric with 2 back cushions and 2 seat cushions.

If your dolls drop any coins, you will be able to retrieve them and put them in your dolly budget.


  1. I love that the cushions are removable. The sofa looks awesome.. great job!

  2. Poor Darius ... so many women, so little time, LOL.

  3. Beautiful sofa! I LOVE the earth tones.
    Ah, Darius...being handsome and single ain't easy! LOL.

  4. Ana - Thanks! I try to make them look as realistic as possible. Underneath it has the black netting-like material that you find on real sofas.

    Dana - He had a similar situation years ago and he is probably remembering how badly it turned out. He is not trying to repeat that scenario!

    Tracy - Thanks so much. I am an avid fan of earth tones. This sofa has me written all over it.


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