Thursday, February 3, 2011

From LIV to Barbie (Caution: doll nudity)

I opened up some of my goodies from Saturday. I decided to transform my LIV doll to Barbie.  I knew the LIV body was nice, but I had NO IDEA!  Now all of my dolls want LIV bodies. 

Sorry again for the not so great pictures.

Here is LIV. I dewigged her in prep for her rebodying.
I could never do a full back bend. This is as far as I could go. She can actually go all the way.

The knee, elbow, wrist, and ankle joints are fantastic!

She swivels at the waist.

Her ankles can rotate around. She can do all the ballet poses! Since she bends at the ankles, she can also wear heels. Her feet are a little wide, so she can't wear those cute Barbie heels. I plan to make her some cute heels.

Check out her flexibility.

This is a crazy pose, but I wanted to show her versatility.

Here she is with her Barbie Head!

I am really happy with her ability to get down to kid level. Boy do I have plans for her! Can you imagine her curled up in a chair reading to her child. Here she is pictured with my new Chelsea doll. Might be her daughter. Might not. Who knows?

She can actually kneel down and pray.

Flat footed she is a tad shorter than the original Barbie. I like this because isn't it a little strange that everyone is the same height in Barbie world. With her heels, she will be a little taller.

I can't even expres how in LOVE I am with the LIV body. Mattel missed out on this body design. And for $12.88, how can you go wrong. 


  1. Great transformation! The LIV dolls' bodies are well-made, and extremely poseable as you've illustrated in your images. Barbie's head size is a better fit for the LIV body, but I think the company's attempt was to enter the dolls-with-big-heads market (specificially Bratz)

    The original LIV Alexis is "tan" and considered AA by me. LIV Queen of Hearts Alexis is unmistakably AA. See the complexion comparison here.


  2. @dbg Thanks so much! I do remember your post, but at that time LIV dolls were the furthest thing from my mind, so the info didn't stick. In all the Walmarts I've been in, they don't even have the "tan" skinned doll. I will be headed to Target!

  3. Hope you're able to find a tan LIV. A couple of weeks or so ago Toys R Us had some of the $19.99 LIV dolls marked down to $9.99. I picked up a lone Alexis who is still waiting to be deboxed.


  4. This is great. I just purchased a couple of LIV dolls for their fashions. I will swap their bodies out for Barbies.

  5. The LIV doll bodies are awesome! You'll have a lot of fun posing her. Was the LIV head hard to remove?

    Great buy!

  6. Great post, Vanessa! Thanks for sharing the different poses your Liv doll can make. I look forward to reading your stories.

    Now I really, really want some of those Liv bodies! Thanks for enabling. Sniff. I mean that. Forget my budget ;-D

  7. @ Tracy Removing the LIV doll head was no harder than removing a Barbie head. I used the same process for both.

  8. @D7ana Budget!! You guys have been blowing my budget for the past 2 months. I am happy to return the favor. Don't worry, I'll be in that same budget challenged boat til I get everything on my wish list.

  9. Well to enable you even more...LOL They do make awesome clothes for the LIV dolls as well. I'm posting some pics of the clothes to my blog..DON'T LOOK
    I love these dolls and the poseability is TDF as you've found out. UH OH what's this budget you speak of? ;O)

  10. Aren't those Liv bodies awesome??? I discovered them last year and my Twilight Bella is enjoying that Liv body so much that I'd decided to get another Liv for transplanting purposes but it's still waiting in the closet waiting for the undecided head.

  11. @TM I just picked up 2 more bodies Friday. I've already picked ouot the next victim.

  12. Thanks for illustrating the Liv posability. I've got the same School's Out Sophie and I tired to put a Barbie head on her, but it wobbles. Is there something I need to do to keep the head from wobbling like a Bobble head?

  13. Bree - That is very odd that your head wobbles. All of the Barbie heads I have put on LIV bodies fit perfectly. Do you have it pushed down far enough? You might want to try a different head to see if the same thing happens. Let me know what happens.

  14. Liv dolls are great. Too bad they were discontinued. Their feet fit the Tiny Kitty shoes perfectly. Those will probably be discontinued soon, too, since Tonner is no longer making that doll. I just picked up 4 Livs from ebay at reasonable prices. I also picked up some Barbies at Goodwill for $1 each and plan to swap heads. It really is a shame that the Liv head is so fat.

    I found a Jake doll at a reasonable price on Amazon yesterday and purchased him for my grand daughter's birthday. He comes dressed for the beach with no shoes. When he comes in the mail, I will just have to see if he can wear 12" action figure clothes and shoes and get him a little better dressed to date her Liv dolls.

    Thanks for your forum!

    1. Red - I was able to get quite a few LIV dolls right as they were being discontinued for about $4 - $6. I keep them available for body swaps. I have a Jake doll, too. I haven't done anything with him, yet. I do, like him, though.

    2. Red - I forgot to say, thanks for visiting my blog.

  15. I just discovered Liv dolls and my first thought was putting a Barbie head on it. How do you get the head to stay on? I switched heads but Barbie's head just falls off to easily. Thanks!

    1. NoraC - Hello and welcome to my blog. I'm not sure why your Barbie head is falling off. I've put Barbie head on LIV dolls before. If you want to send me a picture, send it to my email. vanessamorrison 68 @ gmail . com. (No spaces. I just do that to keep the spammers away)

  16. I just discovered Liv dolls and my first thought was putting a Barbie head on it. How do you get the head to stay on? I switched heads but Barbie's head just falls off to easily. Thanks!

  17. Put Scotch tape around the head knob to give more stability. Most any Barbie-like head will then fit without wobble. The real problem with Liv bodies is the shorter neck stem. Some larger head Barbies look like they have very short necks. Also, finding appropriate shoes for the Live body can be a problem. Enterprising doll collectors can find some substitutes or make their own.


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