Thursday, January 20, 2011

S.I.S. Darren is married to Harley Davidson Barbie

Aren't they adorable together? The new S.I.S. Janessa doll completes the family. I'm still in the process of solidifying names.  I know the little girl's name is Taylor.  I'm toying with a couple of ideas for the mom.....maybe China, Desiree, or Destiny.


  1. Cool! I LOVE your families.

    Because I have that Harley Barbie, I have some difficulty finding another name for her. My Harley Barbie is named Crystal. She's mouthy and single ;-D Wonder if the one has anything to do with the other?

  2. @D7ana I'm mouthy and single, too. I think there is a correlation!

  3. This is a nice couple! The Harley Barbie is very pretty, and I love her braids! I don't think I've ever seen her face up close. I love the name Desiree...Desi for short. :) All three names actually fit her pretty good. Oh wait, a play on the words "toying with..." what about Toya? :)

  4. I also like the name Desiree. One of my own Asha mold AA Barbie dolls is named Desiree. I love her. And Toya is a name of one of my AA Skipper dolls. :)


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