Sunday, January 23, 2011

I must have been a Redhead in a former life - Meet the Hart Family

I love red heads, especially red headed children. Can't explain it. Not going to try.  So I knew my stories would include at least one family of red heads. Which brings me to the Hart Family.  I named them the Hart family because two of the kids are from the Only Hearts Club.  The infant is Baby Aiden, an Ebay purchase. He is the only one fully named.  Names will be known, once they enter the doll stories.  Mom and Baby Aiden will be appearing in the next story. And yes, Baby Aiden has red hair under his little cap.

Oh yeah, there's no father yet.  Haven't found a suitable one yet. So for now we will say that he is away on business. He may actually be deployed.  Still working on it.

I really need to dress that little girl!


  1. Oh baby Aiden is soooo cute!!! I wish I had one!

  2. I like redheads too. I see we have much in common. :)

  3. She could be a single mother...that would make an interesting story...

  4. The mom is very pretty. She has such a fresh and natural beauty. I really like those Only Hearts Club kids...they're very realistic looking. The newborn is ADORABLE!!! Can't wait to see her hubby. :) It's so much fun to log on and see your new families!

  5. @ TM I dud consider having her as a single mom, but with the infant and the toddler, I wasn't sure about that story line. That's why I was considering a deployed dad. That is pretty much like being single. That way he could pop in and out occasionally, leaving her to raise the kids.

    @ Afroindai619 This doll was one that I got at the doll show last Nov. for $2. I picked up about 20 dolls for $2 each. Mostly for the clothes. I haven't really figured out who she really is.

  6. So that was the infant doll you're talking about! Fab job! Its sooo teeny tiny... And he looks so adorable and content!


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