Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Denim Loveseat for Barbie and the Throw Pillow Dilemma

Here is the Denim loveseat.  How is it that I have literally hundreds of pieces of materials and  I still didn't have what I wanted for the throw pillows.  I tried about 5 different color schemes and nothing worked quite as well as I would have liked. I decided to just keep it simple and do them in denim.  I also did a set of red paisley pillows, which looks better in person than they do in the picture below. So I posted it on my Etsy site giving the buyer the option of denim or the paisley. Of course, if they make a request of some other color, I will try to accomodate them.

Here is Lisa and the baby. She is showing off a new outfit that I took from a Hobby Lobby mannequin. I have had those mannequins for over 5 yrs and it finally dawned on me that the dolls could probably wear the outfits, with a little sewing alteration, of course.

Here is the loveseat without any throw pillows. There's S.I.S. Darren.
I haven't done much with him yet, but I think he is coming up in a story
fairly soon. I thought about letting him date Danielle, but it doesn't seem
to be a good fit. There wasn't any chemistry when I introduced them.


  1. The sofa turned out gorgeous. It looks great with both pillows. I think I might be slightly partial to the blue pillows but with the area rug you have there, the red pillows look VERY nice.

    Darren & Danielle...hmmm. I see what you mean, not a lot of physical chemistry. I think it's because Darren has such a young looking face...BUT if you're willing to do it maybe a light mustache & goatee to make him look mature enough for Danielle...just a thought. Otherwise, I like your idea for the AA Barbie Basic Male model muse guy. I see him on ebay a lot more now but I think the lowest allowed bid is like $19. Can't wait to see the Daddy Daycare dance! :)

    Have a great weekend.

  2. @Afroindia619 I think I have a man for Danielle. He comes from the same line (drawing a blank on the name)as my guys with the permanent gloves, but he has regular hands. He looks a little more mature. I want to give him a nice beard and mustache because I think that will make him more handsome. I gave my Barbie husband, Keith, a beard and mustache a long time ago, because he was looking just a little feminine to me.

    I refuse to buy items off of ebay that are still available in the stores. I will be patient and let the stores stock their shelves first. I haven't checked in about a week now. I may go out first thing tomorrow to check.


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