Saturday, September 4, 2010

New Kid from Sisters In Style

Yesterday I stopped by Walmart with my former sister-in-law. I had decided not to go by the toy section, because I had spent enough money for the day. Unfortunately (or fortunately), when I went to look for my sister-in-law, she was in a section right near the dolls. You know I just had to take a quick peek. Doll addicts just can't help themselves. I scanned the shelves and was surprised to see some new items. Some of the Walmarts and Targets do not carry up-to-date Barbie items. The Sisters in Style has a few new dolls. As I looked further down, I saw this cute little guy from the S.I.S. line. I couldn't help myself. I had to have him. I have learned over the years that if you see a doll or doll item that you really like, you better get it, or you spend time months or years from now on ebay trying to find it. [I still have nightmares about some of the Happy Family stuff I missed out on].

So here's Julian. He's a cutey. He has already been assigned a new family.


  1. You got to get when you see it. There are a couple of things I wish I bought when I saw them like Generation High School and the Bratz Sky Chateau.

  2. Absolutely agree!!! You like it - you buy it! No doubts. I love African American Dolls, they are very cute. Please do visit my web and you'll find a lot of information about them. Thanks.


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