Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thrift Store, Big Lots, and More

My mom visits the thrift stores several times a week.  She makes it a point to look for Barbie items when she goes now.  Yesterday she found two really nice items.

Do you know how long I've wanted this computer cabinet?  Forever.  I didn't buy it when it first came out.  At the time it retailed for $16.99 and it came with some nice accessories.  I chose not to buy it.  I wasn't really doing anything with my Barbies and didn't foresee how great this would be later on.  Since that time, the prices have been more than I've wanted to pay.  Sorry I don't remember which playset this is from.

The thrift store price was 77 cents and my mom got a senior discount.  Yippee!

This was the second item my mom found.  I have a couple of similar mopeds, but none this color or with the little case on the back.  I think this is going to be Faith's (Marisa) little ride to get back and forth to college.

I've had my eye on this music station ever since Muff talked about it on her blog.  It comes with a doll, but I gave the doll to little Carmen.  Big Lots was having their storewide 20% off sale this weekend.  I thought I would miss it, being in Jamestown, NY, but even they had Big Lots.  You can see some of the other cool sets by this company on Muff's site.  They only had this one and the jewelry counter, which I wasn't interested in.

Another Big Lot find.

I finally added three of the new SIS Baby Phat ladies.  I bought them at Target when I got back in town.  I haven't deboxed them yet, but soon.  I bought Grace particularly for the outfit.  Love the sweater and the black tights are really nice.  Can't wait to show them to you.

I picked up this horse outfit for $5.99 at Target, too.  I have big plans for those horses I bought.

Sorry, I had to throw in this picture of doggy day care at PetSmart.  I took Bruce to PetSmart to meet some new dogs.  This daycare is attached to a posh PetSmart PetHotel.  I was quite impressed.  I will be doing a post about it on my new blog, Wow, Who Knew!  This new blog will feature stories that aren't doll related, but that I find impressive for some reason or other.  I'm still fine-tuning the new blog, but there is a story there now about a 12 yr old wonder chef.  Why is she a wonder chef?  Because she didn't taste food until she was 10 yrs old.  Due to a rare disease, she was fed intraveneously for 10 yrs!  Now she has a monthly food section in the Cooking Light magazine.  Quite an impressive, inspirational story.  After reading her story, I have no excuses when it comes to cooking.


  1. Hello from Spain, your dog has lots of fun with their new friends. Your mother is lovely. I adore her purchases. I have the same desk. Too i have the same horse outfit. I like boots. Congratulations your new furniture. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - My mom know has just a keen an eye for doll stuff as I have. I can't believe how many nice things I've added to the collection just because of her.

  2. Yay...I knew...I Knew! Your joining the pet blogging world was the next step! I tried to join the new site,to be the first...shoot, but my google+ is totally an a.. today. It is showing my other blogs page not Kitty's...any suggestions? Yeah I'm signed out, and I signed back to Kitty's...nothing, Ugh!

    1. Loretta - I used to have a dog blog a few years ago, but I have since deleted it. I'm sure there will be a few dog entries on the new blog along with many other great stories. I'm always running across great information and great stories to share. I see you did sign up for the new blog, so I guess you resolved your issues.

  3. Great purchases!! I love the computer cabinet and the moped, and the three sis are gorgeous! By the way, I'm already a member of your new blog!

    1. Rossetti - Thanks for joining the new blog. I'm always anxious to share non doll related stories that inspire me.

  4. your mom is great. what a great purchase ilove the thee sis dolls are so cool!

    1. jassica joe - My mom is da bomb. It was like Christmas when she pulled out the green cabinet. I think I let out a little squeal.

  5. Super finds and great doll purchase!

    Congrats on starting a new blog, too.

    1. D7ana - Will it ever be enough? Every time I think I don't need anything else, I end up with more stuff! As soon as I get reorganized, I will start selling off the extra stuff. It's time!

  6. These were some awesome finds and buys. It is wonderful your mom looks for items for you during her thrift store runs.

    I will visit your new blog. The young chef's story sounds miraculous and inspirational.


    1. DBG - Mom finding things is a blessing and a curse. My stash keeps getting larger and larger. Time to get serious about selling some stuff. But I have to pat her on the back because she does a great job.

  7. Your Mom did good! Lol! I have the computer cabinet. It is a nice accessory.

    The doggie daycare is too cute!

    1. Georgia Girl - Mom is killing it! It's nice to know I have another pair of eyes out there. I was impressed at how well all the dogs were playing together.

  8. I pretty sure the Barbie computer cabinet is from The Barbie My House Line. I remembered it cause I also wanted it when it first came out but we couldn't get it. We were going through hard times, and Barbie furniture prices were through the roof and still are.

    I'm going to have to hunt down SIS Kara I've seen her on two blogs so far, yours and Alura's and I must say she is absolutely Stunning.

    1. Tracey - That's right! The My House line. I'm kicking myself for not getting that house and some of the other items. Hindsight is 20/20. I like that the new Kara looks a lot different than the other Karas. She looks a little younger and would make a nice younger sister.

    2. If I got the baby phat Kara she would probably be the younger sister to my Rocca Wear Kara or as I renamed her Keyonna.

  9. I'm gonna pop some tags, got twenty dollars in my pocket...must have heard that song each time I got in my car today! Well it is about shopping at the thrift store, right? Nice finds!

    1. pattidolls - It's the perfect thrift store song. I keep saying one day I am going to spend the whole day visiting thrift stores. I'm just scared of all the stuff I would bring back home. Maybe after I purge some of the stuff I already have.

  10. Your mom is the greatest! Congrats on your new dolls and furniture. I hope to be going to Target in Buford today, and I'll see if I can find the SIS dolls there. I, too, joined your new blog. Congrats on that too! :-)

    1. Cindi - Today is Gainesville day for me. It's a long day, so I won't do too much stopping. I may hit the Big Lots in Gainesville, but that's it. You should be able to find the SIS dolls. I didn't have to look too hard. That's for joining my new blog!

  11. I love everything and your mom is a woman after my own heart! Hi mom! lol
    Dang, I love it when I get something cool... especially when it is priced right!
    We think alike again. I was thinking of starting another blog...but time wouldn't let me...maybe this summer. There is so much to talk about, Van! LOL

    1. Grandmommy - I'm pretty excited about the new pieces. Mom did well. She found a nice 1:12 buffett, too, but I didn't show it here. The price was definitely right!

  12. Pretty nice find! Congratulation to your mother :) I have such computer cabinet, but stopped to use it after remodeling of doll room, and it was hidden forgotten untill now, so thank you for reminding me about it with this post!
    Bruce is so cute, I didn't comment before about him, but I'm totaly in love with him (with every dog in fact), and he looks so intelligent, too!

    1. Jewel snake - Glad you remembered your cabinet. It's such a nice piece. Bruce, Bruce Bruce. I'm totally in love with him, too. You are right. He's incredibly intelligent. I can't believe how lucky I got getting him.

  13. Funny thing. We wound up in Gainesville today too! Went to Target and no SIS dolls. Rats! But I did get two new designer outfits. Then off to Walmart where I found two of the Oz dolls. I'll post pics of everything I got on my blog. :-)

  14. 77 cents AND a senior discount?! WHUUUUUUUUUT?!

    1. Muff - LOL! Yep. Can't beat that with a bat.

  15. love this post. i know you are always on an everlasting search for child/teen/young adult faces. you should really check out the new Mattel the wizard of oz Dorothy doll. she has a great fresh youthful look. tou should really check her out

    1. Sebe - Helo and welcome to my blog. Thanks for commenting. In all honesty, I am not looking for anymore teens, kids, or young adults. I have a lot, but haven't had time to do any stories to show them off. I have seen the new Oz line. I love the two witches! Dorothy is cool, too. I have to get rid of some dolls before I add more.

  16. These are some great finds! Ok, now I want the Baby Phat Chandra. I hope it's not too late...

    1. Roxanne - I think you will be able to find Chandra. Right now since they are new, you may have to check a few stores, but I'm sure you will find her. I plan to get at least two more for future body swaps.

  17. I love that computer desk! I also can't remember what set it came from, but I got it in a set with a bunch of other cool things when I was 8. It works great and I love it! My dolls do too.

    1. sisilovessinging - That desk is part of the Barbie My House collection. They had some really nice things in that collection, but I just wasn't in a buying mood at the time.


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